Click on the links below to preview the books available in our parish library. Books are sorted alphabetically by title, by author, and by category. The master list file is quite large and includes more information such as secondary titles, imprimatur info, and publishers. The master list is sorted alphabetically by title.
SCR/ C Library:
Inquire check-out information through the parish office
Limit is 2 books
Return or renewal after 2 weeks to parish office
Reference Section Books:
They are to remain on parish property at all times.
Cart Section Books/Booklets
They are to remain in the chapel at all times.
Rare Books Section
They are to remain in the office area at all times and special handling is required.
Student Conference Room (SCR)
This is also commonly referred to as the music practice room. It is located upstairs next to the receptionist window. Books located here may be read on parish property without being checked out, but check out is required to take them home or on campus.
Old campus center building, upstairs (C Library)
Books located here may be read on parish property without being checked out, but check out is required to take them home or on campus.